Mihika Khubchandani (violin):
Favorite memory: Kennede, Margaret, and I used to have fashion shows in the bathroom after changing into our concert dresses.
What I love about LHS Orchestra: I love the people in the Langley Orchestra and I was able to find some of my best friends in the past four years. Getting to do all of high school with the same supportive group has made the experience so much better.
Words of wisdom: Eat the grapes at the banquets (they’re really good).
Chris Cheng (violin):
Favorite memory: My favorite was the Halloween concert when we dressed up and Michael Jackson danced on the stage.
What I love about LHS Orchestra: I love how different it is from all my other classes. It is a fun period where I get to talk to friends and relax.
Words of wisdom: Take orchestra all 4 years.