Please see the below message from the McLean Community Center regarding performances at McLean Day on Saturday, May 21, 2022.
Greetings from the McLean Community Center!
We’re thrilled to finally be able return to a “normal” McLean Day this May, which means that we can finally launch the McLean Day Community Stage. All acts will be from the MCC tax district. Detailed information can be found below and the application can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/McDay2022_communitystage. An adjudication panel will convene in April to select acts, and we ask for at least one video clip per group.
We especially want to highlight amateur/hobby/student performers, so please share with neighbors, friends and students who may not typically play professional stages. Like with most community stages of this type, performers will not be paid but the performance will be supported by a professional technical staff.
The application deadline is officially Friday, April 1, but we will likely extend it to Wednesday, April 6. Please contact Sarah Schallern Treff with any questions.