Congratulations to Audrey Goodner who took 2nd place at the prestigious Klein International Strings Competition Saturday-Sunday June 3-4 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Audrey was one of only nine semifinalists selected from 111 entrants up to the age of 23 for this annual international competition.
Semifinalists were required to perform a Bach unaccompanied work, a piece by Gity Razaz commissioned for the competition, and a major portion of the semifinalist’s chosen concerto. On Saturday, June 3rd, Audrey competed against 8 others including Julliard and Curtis students and graduates, and amazed the judges and audience, earning her a top 3 spot to advance to the finals. Audrey also won the Pablo Casals Prize for the best performance of the Bach work during the Semifinals round on Saturday. On Sunday, June 4th, Audrey performed brilliantly, earning her a 2nd place finish in this world-renowned competition, which includes a cash prize and several performance contracts.