(updated 3/4/23)
Students whose families have not yet filled out a paper OTC (over the counter) form for trip access to OTC products (such as Advil, Benadryl, Tums), or need to correct an incomplete paper form, can access a GoogleForm version of the trip OTC form here.
(updated 3/2/23)
Our trip is only a week away! Here are some of the useful documents including the Trip Itinerary from Kaleidoscope Adventures and the Trip Presentation. Please note that students must arrive at Carnegie Hall by 4:20 pm on Friday March 10th.
The detailed trip itinerary can be found here:
Karen DeFilipps’ trip presentation from the trip meeting on Tues 2/28 can be found here:
FANS and persons who need to pick up pre-ordered complimentary tickets (via Google Form back in early December) should email Jen Dzwonczyk at langleyorchestratreasurer@gmail.com.
(updated 2/28/23 9:30am)
Details will be given at tonight’s trip meeting, but please note that each student will only be allowed the following items on the bus to NYC: (1) ONE suitcase or bag up to 22″ that would be permitted on an airplane in the overhead compartment; (2) drawstring backpack; (3) garment bag with formalwear; (4) instrument (only the 22 approved cellos can go); and (5) a disposable packed lunch for the bus trip Thursday. Students may also bring the following optional items but they must fit on their lap on the bus: (a) small cross-body purse and (b) snacks for the bus. Drawstring backpacks and garment bags will be distributed at the meeting. A suggested packing list can be found below.
If students on the trip wish to have access to over-the-counter medications such as Advil (ibuprofen), Benadryl, Tums, Sudafed, or topical ointments such as Bacitracin or hydrocortisone, please be sure to fill out the OTC medication form below.
(updated 2/7/23)
Trip details are currently being finalized, but families should now be paid in full. Persons wishing to attend the Carnegie performance who did not preorder tickets back in December can purchase tickets for $13 ($10 plus $3 convenience fee) at this link, and they will also be available at the box office on performance day. The performance begins at 8:00 pm on Friday, March 10, 2023, and the House will open at 7:00 pm. Note that the College Station orchestra will perform after Langley’s 3 groups and our students are required to stay for that performance. The concert should conclude around 10:30 pm.
On Tuesday, February 28, students are required to attend the MANDATORY Carnegie Hall dress rehearsal from 3:00-5:00 pm in the auditorium – Doc will run through the entire Carnegie program and students must be seated during the other group performances. Cellists and bassists who are bringing their own instruments on the Carnegie trip must bring their instruments to the rehearsal. Following rehearsal, students will find out their chaperone and room assignments, and meet over a NYC pizza dinner with their chaperones and chaperone groups from 5:00-6:00 pm. At least one parent or guardian must attend the MANDATORY NYC Trip Meeting with their student(s) from 6:15-7:30 pm in the Cafeteria.
(updated 1/17/23)
Note that we are awaiting a final invoice amount from Kaleidoscope and the final trip payment (originally due Sunday, January 15th) is delayed.
Please make sure to mark your calendars with the mandatory dress rehearsal on Tuesday, February 28th from 3:00-5:00 in the auditorium, a Chaperones meeting at 4:00 pm, and a mandatory trip meeting for students AND parents from 6:15-7:30 pm in the cafeteria.
(updated 11/16/22)
Thank you to everyone who has made their payments on-time for our trip. Note that payment #3 is due this Sunday, November 20th. PLEASE make your payments ASAP as our next payment is due to Kaleidoscope on Tuesday, November 30th and we have a very tight turn-around due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Please also mark your calendars for a mandatory dress rehearsal (all students) on Tuesday, February 28th from 3:00-5:00 pm in the auditorium, and a mandatory trip meeting for students AND parents that evening in the cafeteria (exact time TBD).
(updated 8/31/22)

Want to join our fantastic trip to NYC and Carnegie Hall on March 9 – 12, 2023? There are three important steps:
1. Review the Powerpoint (in PDF format below) that was presented at the August 31 Parent Meeting.
2. Register on the WeTravel site by 6pm, September 18th.
Watch the Registration Video Tutorial or use the Registration Instruction Sheet (below) to guide you through the registration process. Don’t forget to read the Travel Agreement and Travel Insurance details carefully.
3. Pay the First Payment (Deposit) by 6pm, September 18th. Look for the Orchestra NYC Trip Icon in your www.MySchoolBucks.com account under either the “Field Trips” or “Band, Orchestra, Choir” groups.
That’s it! Check back after the registration deadline for further information. And feel free to reach out by email to LangleyOrchestraTrip@gmail.com with any questions.