Congratulations to Langley’s representatives to the District XII Honors Orchestra. Students auditioned amongst hundreds of students on Tuesday, November 15th. DHO students will participate in the District Orchestra Event and Concert on Friday-Saturday January 13-14, 2023 hosted here at Langley High School! Congratulations to the following students:
Nov 17
Preconcert dinner orders due Wednesday 11/23!
Students wishing to partake in our special preconcert “Winter is Coming” dinner on Tuesday, December 6th — make sure you are signed up by Wednesday, November 23rd! Sign up and pay $15 (plus convenience fee) at CheddarUp. We will feast on IKEA’s world-renowned Swedish meatball (or plantball) dinner plate to coordinate with our Scandinavian “Winter …
Nov 14
Bravo to Langley’s SRO representatives!
Congratulations to Langley’s Senior Regional Orchestra representatives, who participated in Virginia’s Northern Regional event Thursday, November 10 – Saturday, November 12 at West Potomac High School in Alexandria. The event culminated in a fabulous concert on Saturday afternoon. These students will be eligible to audition in February for the All-VA event.
Nov 03
Senior Spotlights: Caitlin Kry & Faris Madani
Caitlin Kry (viola): Favorite memory: My favorite memory from Langley Orchestra was the end-of-year Space Concert last year when I was in Symphonic Orchestra. The afternoon leading up to the concert, many orchestra students stayed after school. After helping with the concert setup, I went with my friends to the auditorium. The rehearsal went smoothly, …
Oct 20
A glorious Gaelic Gala
On Tuesday, October 18th, Dr. Scott McCormick and the Langley Orchestra presented its Gaelic Gala concert, featuring a variety of Celtic music and stunning dances from the O’Neill-James School of Irish Dancing. Prior to the concert, orchestra students enjoyed a baked potato bar and enjoyed Celtic-themed treats in Langley Hall. Highlights of the concert included …