Senior Spotlights: Katie Dzwonczyk & Luke Terry

Katie Dzwonczyk (violin): Favorite memory: My favorite memory was actually a few months before I joined the Langley Orchestra during the Pyramid concert when I was in 8th grade. Before the concert began, a few Cooper students and a few Langley students gathered around the piano and sang together. It was so fun and made …

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Countdown to Carnegie!

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Trip Meeting on Wednesday evening, August 31. A huge thank you to our Trip Coordinator Karen DeFilipps for the countless hours of work she has already put into planning this exciting trip. Doc is planning an exciting repertoire that will be sure to impress! Students …

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Orchestra kickoff

Thanks to everyone who made it out Sunday to our Potluck Picnic in spite of the intermittent downpours. Welcome to the Class of 2026! We hope everyone got the chance to meet someone new and maybe tried a new dish as well. Special thanks to our Hospitality Chair Kim McPherson for putting on such an …

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Picnic Sunday and links/reminders

Picnic. Please join us at the Welcome Back Potluck Picnic this Sunday, August 21st, from 5:00-7:00 pm at the McLean Central Park Gazebo. Sign up to bring a dish to share at this SignUpGenius and bring a blanket or lawn chair. We look forward to gathering informally to kick off the school year. Students can …

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Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!

Dear Langley Orchestra Students and Parents, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Langley High School Orchestra for the 2022-23 Season!   What a difference one year of in-person instruction has made to our class culture and season plans! For those who do not know me yet, I have been directing the orchestra …

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