Congratulations to all of the participants from Langley HS and Cooper MS who earned spots in this year’s District XII Honors Orchestra event that took place Friday, February 18 – Saturday, February 19 at Washington-Liberty HS in Arlington. Congratulations to the following Langley Orchestra students: Audrey Goodner, concertmaster Kevin Sun, violin Sumrath Pahwa, violin Jasmine …
Feb 17
Preparing for Assessments…
Congratulations to all three Langley Orchestras as well as Cooper’s Symphonic Orchestra for a fabulous concert Tuesday evening. Bridging Cooper and Langley Orchestras, the concert served as a “dress rehearsal” of sorts for the upcoming Assessments taking place on March 5th (Langley) and March 12th (Cooper). Special thanks to all of the volunteers, both parents …
Feb 09
Preparations for the Concert & Assessments
Our Pre-Assessment Concert is around the corner, set for Tuesday, February 15th. A few reminders. First, students are required to stay after school for rehearsal. The rehearsal schedule is as follows: 3:00-4:00 Philharmonic Orchestra 4:00-4:30 Symphonic Orchestra 4:30-5:00 Concert Orchestra 5:00-6:00 Optional Dinner (sign up and pay for Dominos/Listranis dinner here by Friday 2/11) 6:00-6:45 …
Jan 14
Senior Spotlights: Ulaina Ahn & Bianca Harris
Ulaina Ahn (cello): Favorite memory: The Danube River cruise on the Austria trip. I loved laughing with friends, and the lights were super pretty. #besttripever What I love about LHS orchestra: Orchestra is a home for so many types of people, and I think that’s a testament to the connective power of music. It’s a …
Dec 16
Whisked away to Russia!
On Tuesday, December 7th, Dr. Scott McCormick and the Langley Orchestra presented its Russian Winter Dreams concert. Prior to the concert, students dined on potato and beef pirozhkis and enjoyed Russian-themed treats in Langley Hall. Highlights of the concert included performances of music of famous Russian composers including Tchaikovksy, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Shostakovich, introductions by students …