Final preparations for the new school year…

The “Heroes” music has been copied, the orchestra room is set up, and Doc is excited to greet his first class, Period 1 Freshmen, on Monday morning. Thanks to all the families who attended Freshman/New Student Orientation – we hope it was helpful. A few quick reminders, especially to those of you new to Langley …

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Welcome to the 2021-22 school year!

Dear Langley Orchestra students and parents, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Langley High School Orchestra for the 2021-22 Season! For those who do not know me yet, I have been directing the orchestra program at Langley High School for the past 20 years.  Originally from the Great and Powerful nation …

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Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

Congratulations to Langley Orchestra’s fabulous Class of 2021. In spite of the many challenges this past year, you came together for one final fantastic concert 2 weeks ago at Wolf Trap, demonstrating that music will always endure. The senior song “I Will Survive” was perhaps the most fitting conclusion to all of the concerts this …

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Langley Orchestra makes the front cover of the McLean Connection!

Congratulations to Erika Li for her fantastic article in this week’s Connection newspapers, titled “Orchestral Greetings and Farewells.” Erika’s article details the May 15th performance at Wolf Trap’s Meadow Pavilion and can be viewed in the excerpts below. In addition, Langley Orchestra’s Concertmaster Alyssa Kim is featured in a separate article for winning the Great …

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“Sounds of Hope” at Wolf Trap!

Langley Orchestra reveled in a picture-perfect day on Saturday, with comfortable temperatures, bright skies, and few cicadas for its first in-person group performance in 14 months. Special thanks to the Wolf Trap Foundation for partnering with us and hosting us Saturday May 15th on the Meadow Pavilion stage for a socially-distanced performance. Our “Sounds of …

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