Holiday Concert Recap

by Miles Yang and Francisco Yang A couple of weeks ago, the Langley Orchestra premiered their second virtual concert of the 2020-2021 school year, the Holiday Classics Concert, and after opening night, students and parents were able to give feedback in the form of concert reviews on what they enjoyed about the concert. Like the …

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Senior Spotlights: Mihika Khubchandani and Chris Cheng

Mihika Khubchandani (violin): Favorite memory: Kennede, Margaret, and I used to have fashion shows in the bathroom after changing into our concert dresses. What I love about LHS Orchestra: I love the people in the Langley Orchestra and I was able to find some of my best friends in the past four years. Getting to …

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“Holiday Classics” recording released!

Thanks again to the amazing work of senior cellist Riker Wilson and his tech team, Langley Orchestra’s 2nd virtual recording of the 2020-2021 school year premiered Saturday February 27th, 2021. The video can be viewed below or at The accompanying concert program can be viewed or downloaded below. Congratulations to Doc, Riker, and all …

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Senior Spotlights: Colleen Sherry and Misha Somogyi

Colleen Sherry (viola): Favorite memory: Visiting Doc’s farm for the picnic my freshman year (and getting to meet his chickens!) What I love about LHS Orchestra: It’s not only a break from the rest of your conventional classes during the day, but orchestra also allows you to explore new music and be creative in a …

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Senior Spotlights: Olivia Kim and Arna Bhardwaj

Olivia Kim (violin): Favorite memory: One of my favorite memories was running through the aisles in banana costumes during the Halloween concert, but I also love the little moments like hanging out in the back room before and after class. What I love about LHS Orchestra: I love how Langley Orchestra has allowed me to …

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