Hi Orchestra Parents! Trip registration is LIVE! We have reserved 165 seats on the plane to Nashville (the entire plane, minus the pilot), so please, if your child wants to go on the trip, please register as soon as possible. Once we reach 165 (and 20ish of those must be chaperones), we will unfortunately need to start a …
Sep 04
Calling for Music Mentors and Mentees
Langley Orchestra is proud to announce a new mentoring program! This is an opportunity to be mentored by an experienced and approved member of Langley Orchestra, or become a mentor to help others learn their instrument. LOS has partnered with elementary schools within the Langley Pyramid to extend mentoring services to elementary students as well. …
Aug 22
We had a great time at the Picnic!
Thanks to everyone that showed up to the Potluck Picnic on Sunday and welcome to the Class of 2027! Hopefully many of you had the opportunity to meet some new faces and enjoy the food. Special thanks to President of LOS Pamela Fox and Hospitality Chair Jen Lee for organizing the event, as well as …
Aug 13
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!
Dear Langley Orchestra Students and Parents, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Langley High School Orchestra for the 2023-24 school year! This is a very exciting time to be in our program as we continue the momentum from our landmark season & Carnegie Hall performance. For those who do not know …
Aug 08
Sign up for the Welcome Picnic on Sun 8/20/2023
Please join us at the Welcome Back Potluck Picnic on Sunday, August 20th, 2023, from 5:00-7:00 pm at the McLean Central Park Gazebo. Sign up to help with set up/clean up, or bring a dish/game to share at this SignUpGenius. Come join Doc and meet fellow orchestra families in a casual atmosphere to kick off the …